Seven to Eight million years ago men lived as dogs. We hunted in packs; we lived in packs and migrated in packs. In any pack there was only one fully developed Adult male who would have been the alpha male. The Alpha would lead the group with an Iron fist as words were not fully developed; most “humans” only used simple grunts to signify emotions more than direct words or objects. When someone other than the Alpha touched the prime meat he or she was met with an angry grunt, and lighting fast retribution in the forms of gnarling teeth if not a violent jolt with a stick or random object found within reach. The Pack would live in fear of the Alpha and the only law that existed it was do not anger the Alpha. One morning the pack would wake and the Alpha would lay still they would hunt and gather not rousing the Alpha when the hunters arrive they would take the choice meat and lay it in front of the alpha. Over time even without movement they would continue this tradition till the body began to rot they would bring items of value clay pots, animal pelts, blood offerings of animal and children. They would build temples around them simple earthen mounds, hence was born burial and over time as each generation passed down the oral tradition of the angry vengeful jealous Alpha and hence was born the God of Abraham the God of Jesus and the Allah of Muhammad. I like to call these people the Children of Abel. For in the Eyes of the Old Testament God these hunter and gathers were righteous.
Then came the Children of Cain they were City dwellers as Cain is reported in the Old Testament as the inventor of cities. These people were more than likely the Sumerians the oldest known culture dating back roughly 7000-5000 years ago which was the birth of Civilization at which time the Children of Cain killed off the Children of Abel as the hunter and gather cultures or “Sheppards” were massacred by their Agriculturally advanced or “Farmer” cousins represented in the story of Cain and Able, which is why “God” found the blood gifts of the Sheppard brother acceptable and the gifts of his Farmer brother unacceptable. That of course the history of man or at least as I know it. I began this story with the words it has been told I will explain the meaning of this now. It has been told is the way the Buddha began each of his parables, to remind us these are not without fault and is by no means without question. This is as best of what I have understood to date, which could be incomplete or entirely wrong but as of now I see no flaw in the logic so it is a working thesis.
This was the time of the Old Testament God was a vengeful angry God, as society advanced or evolved so did God. He became more human more forgiving as people themselves became less animalistic or more human so did God. Note of interest in the history of man this has been a mere chapter most of what we know dates back 10k years of the estimated 7 million year history of man. Not to mention this is not the History of all men. This is just what we know from one source of information which I believe is muddled and perverse as any other source we have. Stephan Hawkins said in A brief History of time, it is science’s job to explain what happened post Big Bang it is Religions job to explain what happened pre. Whatever religion or belief you choose is righteous if you follow the one universal truth found in all major religions and recognized by almost all being universally. ALL LIFE IS SACRIED. When you recognize this truth any path you choose to follow is noble and sacred, a life worth living. If you do not live by this belief no matter how hard to try you life will be without merit. To try to do well for the sake of one’s self is selfish in nature and will not be successful, just as doing right for the sake of doing good will fade when one realizes that the concept of moral good and bad are impossibilities, just as good or bad people are impossible to judge as people are fluid and their paths viewed from different perspectives could be good or bad or as in most cases a little of both.
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